Saturday, 28 April 2012

Task 3A: Professional Networks

I must admit I have very little experience in the world of professional networking. I've certainly not done much of it. Networking I have done a little in acquiring CD's and collectibles but no, never on a professional scale. This is something I want to look at though as I do have a desire to start earning a bit of money through voice overs so have started to plan a few bits and bobs. I'm thinking of getting in touch with a voice director to see if they will produce a demo for me. This will probably come later though as I'll make a rough demo first in the Chickenshed studio and test the water so to speak. If there is a positive reaction then I will try and get something a little more professional done and start trying to generate some work. Obviously, this isn't a lightning quick process and I will have to set up some kind of website through which I can sell myself. Include a voice reel and stuff like that.

I have had a few voice over experiences at Chickenshed in 2010 I recorded narration for the Christmas show "Badjelly's Bad Christmas". I had recorded a voice over in 2009 for a studio student produced show called "12 to 1" but as I say it was a much smaller scale project. A similar student project that was part of last years end of year shows was for a show called "Gameism"; it probably didn't have the same amount of audience as the Christmas shows but I was very pleased with it. I got to do a Richard Burton(ish) voice for the beginning of the show. I also recorded some additional dialogue later. In November of 2011 I got to go back into the studio and record a sort of snooty BBC royal correspondent type thing for the show "Cinderella". I'm very grateful for them letting me have these experiences as I think It gives you that rough idea of what you want to do. I think this will be a subject that my knowledge will grow on when I actually go into the industry and start trying to find the relevant people.

I will update this blog when I put that ball in motion.

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