Friday 31 August 2012

Task 4A: Questions


1)     Do you feel that plays with a social economic / social message to convey have more longevity than an original story that is purely there for entertainment?

2)    Is it really necessary to update plays in the way of language and the setting? Or do you feel that plays keep their social relevance when left in the original time period?

3)    In your opinion is theatre really as “accessible” as people claim? Or do you feel in some cases the word “Theatre” itself can act as a divide and put some people off?

4)    In times of recession shows like Matillda, London Road, Lion King and many, many more continue to sell out. Do you feel that in this way theatre produced solely for entertainment is as vital as theatre produced to put across a social message?

5)    Do you feel some issues are more popular than others? And that making issues “trendy” almost takes away from their hard hitting and realistic message?

6)    Are there some issues that should be discussed with more sensitivity than others? Do you feel that some writers will be radical and shocking in their plays juts to be a sensation? I know that Niklas Rådström was accused of this for his 2008 play – Monsters.

Return of the killer Blogs

This blog is just a quick reminder that I am still alive and on the course. I managed to pass the first part (although I admit I did defer once). I have also decided that rather than just focussing my studies on the inclusion of the elderly in Theatre, I will broaden my horizons as it were and look at how theatre affects society in general. I know that it’s not as specific but I just feel like there are so many areas that get ignored I’d like to try and cover a few of them. 

I’m in the process of trying to think up some questions that will follow this blog. Please feel free to answer them as it will be a big help.
